In the aftermath of a crime, victims often feel helpless unsure of whom to trust and where to turn. Volare, formerly NRVDC, answers the call, offering free, holistic case management, advocacy, and legal support to victims of all types of crimes. It runs the advocacy portion of DCs Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Program, supporting a coordinated community response for survivors including hotline services, transportation to and from the hospital, entry into therapeutic services, hospital advocacy, and referrals to legal services. Staff attorneys provide legal advice and representation for survivors in criminal cases, civil protection orders, and Title IX and Clery Act (campus violence) cases. Focused on survivor-defined justice, Volare has walked alongside over 5,000 crime victims since 2012, empowering them to pursue their goals for recovery and redress. As one survivor put it, has been, and continues to be, my saving grace.
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