Category: Basic Needs, Food, & Housing

Alexandria, VA
Provides emergency food and financial assistance in Alexandria.
Basic Needs, Food, & Housing

Carpenter's Shelter
Alexandria, VA
Shelter and supportive services for homeless adults and families.
Basic Needs, Food, & Housing

Community Reach of Montgomery County
Rockville, MD
Providing health and human services for Montgomery County's most vulnerable residents.
Health, Wellness, & Senior Services

Crossroads Community Food Network
Takoma Park, MD
Building a healthier, more inclusive, local food system.
Basic Needs, Food, & Housing

DC Greens
Washington, DC
Advancing food justice in the nation's capital.
Basic Needs, Food, & Housing

DC Hunger Solutions
Washington, DC
Working to improve the nutrition of low-income District residents.
Basic Needs, Food, & Housing

Destiny, Power & Purpose
Temple Hills, MD
Assists returning citizens and substance abusers who need support.
Basic Needs, Food, & Housing

Arlington, VA
Creating pathways out of homelessness, domestic violence and sexual assault.
Children, Youth & Families

Fairfax, VA
Prevents homelessness, and re-houses those who have lost their homes.
Basic Needs, Food, & Housing

Falls Church-McLean Children's Center
Falls Church, VA
Early childhood education program serving low-income, working families.
Youth Education & Enrichment

Food for Others
Fairfax, VA
Providing free food to neighbors in need in Northern Virginia.
Basic Needs, Food, & Housing
Food Recovery Network
Washington , DC
Fights food waste and hunger by empowering student leaders.
Basic Needs, Food, & Housing

Friendship Place
Washington, DC
Empowers people to leave homelessness and rebuild their lives.
Basic Needs, Food, & Housing

Georgetown Ministry Center
Washington, DC
A service-rich day center for chronically homeless individuals.
Basic Needs, Food, & Housing

Falls Church, VA
Ensures that homelessness is part of a family's past
Basic Needs, Food, & Housing

Hope and a Home
Washington, DC
Empowering homeless/low-income families to create stable homes.
Basic Needs, Food, & Housing

Iona Senior Services
Washington, DC
Provides safety-net services for isolated, low-income elderly.
Health, Wellness, & Senior Services

Joseph's House
Washington, DC
Houses and cares for ill and dying homeless individuals.
Health, Wellness, & Senior Services

Jubilee Housing
Washington, DC
Providing affordable housing and programming to residents of Ward 1.
Basic Needs, Food, & Housing

Kids In Need Distributors
Bethesda, MD
Distributes food for the weekend to local K-8 students.
Basic Needs, Food, & Housing

Manna Food Center
Silver Spring, MD
The main Food Bank serving Montgomery County.
Basic Needs, Food, & Housing

Mary House
Washington, DC
Helps low-income and refugee families rebuild their lives.
Basic Needs, Food, & Housing

Miriam's Kitchen
Washington, DC
Collaborates to end long-term homelessness in Washington.
Basic Needs, Food, & Housing

Mobile Hope Association
Leesburg, VA
Improving the lives of precariously housed and homeless youth.
Basic Needs, Food, & Housing

My Sister's Place
Washington, DC
Provides shelter and services to victims of domestic violence.
Children, Youth & Families

New Endeavors by Women
Washington, DC
Heals lives of homeless women and children by creating new futures.
Basic Needs, Food, & Housing

Nick's Place
Beltsville, MD
Recovery home and life management programs for young men.
Basic Needs, Food, & Housing

OAR of Arlington, Alexandria and Falls Church
Arlington, VA
Assists individuals returning home from incarceration and court-involved adults and youth.
Legal Services & Justice Programs

Open Arms Housing
Washington, DC
Helping formerly homeless women obtain and maintain permanent housing.
Basic Needs, Food, & Housing

Rising for Justice
Washington, DC
Provides high-quality legal services for low-income Washingtonians.
Legal Services & Justice Programs

The Father McKenna Center
Washington, DC
Provides guidance and basic human service to help rebuild lives.
Basic Needs, Food, & Housing

Wanda Alston Foundation
Washington, DC
Offers safe, welcoming shelter and support to homeless LGBTQ youth
Basic Needs, Food, & Housing

Washington Legal Clinic for the Homeless
Washington, DC
Legal services, advocacy, outreach, and education to address homelessness and affordable housing.
Legal Services & Justice Programs

Silver Spring, MD
Supports lower income homeowners through access to low-cost home repairs.
Basic Needs, Food, & Housing