Climate change, air and water pollution, and habitat degradation are urgent issues that require action, not only at the global but also at the local level. At EcoAction Arlington, local residents participate in stream cleanups, invasive plant removals, and storm drain markings; well over 2,000 students gain hands-on training in sustainable environmental practices; high school seniors create energy conservation activities for elementary students; Energy Masters volunteers make tangible improvements to reduce energy use/emissions in affordable housing units (a real benefit to families). The Tree Canopy Fund plants trees on private property thereby increasing Arlington's tree canopy, and Straw Free Arlington engages restaurants in reducing the consumption of single-use plastic – a benefit to shores and sea creatures alike. Volunteer engagement is critical throughout – because engaging residents in the creation of a sustainable environment is what our planet, and our community, requires.
Headquarters: VA-Arlington County
Where They Operate: VA-Arlington County
Population(s) Served: Not applicable
Schools They Work In: Arlington County public schools (all)
Awards & Recognition
- EcoPOP
Wed Dec 2 2015, The Arlington Connection
The article features photos from the ecoPOP art exhibit sponsored by Arlingtonians for a Clean Environment and Yuck Old Paint.
Budget (FY2023)
- $3 million or higher
- $1 million to $3 million
- $500k to $1 million
- The current budget for EcoAction Arlington is: Less than $500k
Catalogue charities range in size from $100,000 to
About Spur Local
Every year, 190+ local nonprofits (with budgets under $4M) apply to join the Spur Local network. 170+ community volunteers assess these applications for impact. 100% of organizations are site visited and financially reviewed. Finally, 76+ critical, local nonprofits are selected for inclusion in Spur Local's annual print and digital catalog, and enter a four-year partnership with us. Since 2003, we have raised over $65 million for nonprofits across the Greater Washington region. We charge no fees and raise funds separately to support our work.
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