The Catalogue has won two Wilmer Shields Rich awards for Excellence in Communications from the Council on Foundations. Founder and developer, the Harman Family Foundation, submitted the print Catalogue in the Special Reports division and this new website in … the website division. The Catalogue won Gold, the highest award, in both. Here are some reviewer comments on the website:
“An incredibly brilliant site. It is very clean, well-designed, and clear in its purpose. It overlays the ease of online browsing and shopping onto a true philanthropic mission. I am very intrigued and impressed.”
“I can’t say it enough. A consortium of nonprofits bands together into an innovative and brilliant donor-friendly platform. Excellent!”
Congratulations to everyone involved — our designer, Melanie Lowe (MSpace Design), our webmaster Erik Haugsjaa, pro-bono developer CGI Federal (and its President George Schindler), and our web team at CGI: Steven Sousa, Yonas Robi, Matthew Taylor, and Todd Coopee at Industrial Media.
–Barbara Harman
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