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7 Questions – Andrea M. Saccoccia (Project Mend-A-House)

Good morning, friends! Let’s welcome to “7 Questions” … Andrea M. Saccoccia, Executive Director of Project Mend-A-House (PMAH) in Prince William County, VA. With the help of a dedicated core of volunteers, PMAH mends an average of 120 households per year. Large and small, their home repairs are physically and financially beyond the means of the needy and elderly clients that PMAH serves — and they are provided at no cost.

1. What was your most interesting recent project, initiative, partnership, or event?

Making a bathroom accessible for a stubborn German man who had to take sponge baths for over a year. One of Project Mend-A-House’s volunteers and neighbors finally convinced him that it might make life a little easier for him if he could use his bathroom. One of our volunteers who is a world traveler happened to be in town and started modifying his bathroom. He widened the doorway to 36 inches, replaced the cabinet under the sink with a narrower unit, installed grab bars in the tub, loaned our client a raised toilet seat, and retiled the floor. These seemly simple modifications greatly improved our client’s quality of life. He was so appreciative of our volunteers’ assistance that he invited him to share a stein of beer with him. Prost! (“Cheers!” in German)

2. What else are you up to?

Project Mend-A-House is recruiting volunteers to complete painting, plumbing, carpentry and electrical projects. We are looking for a company to assist with storing and installing stairway climbers. And most importantly having one of our HVAC volunteers restore heat and warmth in our clients’ homes.

3. Is there a moment, person, or event that inspired you to do this particular work?

My sisters and I had excellent role models in our parents, grandparents, and relatives. They are a giving people dedicated to serving others. It is a special calling and it’s true, when you give, you receive much more than you ever give. I’ve always been inspired by the lonely black sheep story. Every person is special and has worth and you can make a difference!

4. Who is your hero in the nonprofit/philanthropy world?

Every day I meet heroes in the nonprofit/philanthropy world. My fellow peers and my dedicated volunteers who give of themselves, often sacrificing their own personal lives to ensure that our client has heat or is safe are my heroes! One of our volunteers protected one of our clients who was in an abusive relationship. The volunteers wear many hats: hero, protector, friend, and repair person.

5. What is the single greatest (and non-financial) challenge to the work that you do every day?

Although I love what I do, the work is never complete. There’s always more you can do. Being a director of a three person staff requires you to wear so many different hats so it’s hard to do all that is necessary. But it’s fun and perhaps this will inspire someone to volunteer!

6. What advice do you have for other people who want to work in your field?

Live your dream, go for it! Don’t turn back, you’ll love it! Just make sure you have passion and are flexible! Good luck!

7. What’s next?

Help! Project Mend-A-House is looking for ways to continue to partner with other organizations so that it can be a one-stop shop! The organization continues to reach out and encourage others to see the need and help each other achieve the goal of making our seniors, disabled, and low-income residents comfortable, safe, and independent so they can remain in their own homes as long as possible.

EXTRA: If you could have a power breakfast with any three people (living, dead, or fictional) who would they be?

My grandmother (or Babcia) who will always keep me laughing and grounded. She had great stories and life experiences that always kept her positive and she had so much common sense. Although she didn’t speak much English, she had a heart of gold and everyone loved her. Santa Claus is someone that would be fun to have breakfast with; he has an uncanny sense to give everyone what they want and never has to worry about grant writing and funding! And lastly it would be great to sit at the table with Ghandi who wasn’t afraid to stand up for what he believed in and had a true sense of peace and lived simply.

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