Catalogue welcomes … Marti Worshtil, Executive Director of Prince George’s Child Resource Center, which offers a wide variety of services that foster stable child care programs, help working families, and nurture home environments where children can thrive. The Family Support Center is the hub, where family-friendly programs reach over 18,000 people a year.
1. What was your most interesting recent project, initiative, partnership, or event?
The Resource Center celebrated our 20th anniversary with a Family Festival at FedEx field. Even with torrential rain and thunder one hour before the event and horrendous heat and humidity after the storm … we had a blast! Almost 1,300 attend and danced the Cha Cha slide with the County Executive, climbed Calleva’s rock wall, skated, painted, broadcast news on CTV and learned all about County services.
2. What else are you up to?
Recovering from the Family Festival! Seriously we are spending a lot of time trying to stabilize our families who are newly unemployed. It is a difficult time for many in our community.
3. Is there a moment, person, or event that inspired you to do this particular work?
Judy Hoyer, she was the Supervisor of Early Childhood Education and so much more. She had a global vision for service delivery and valued every child and family.
4. Who is your hero in the nonprofit/philanthropy world?
Marian Wright Edelman for her strong advocacy
5. What is the single greatest (and non-financial) challenge to the work that you do every day?
You know it is finances! Also, the changing priorities of public and private sector leaders.
6. What advice do you have for other people who want to work in your field?
Go for it — the knowledge that you are making a real difference in someone’s life makes getting out of bed in the morning so much easier.
7. What’s next?
Spending more time strengthening partnerships with other community organizations. We are too stretched to be in competition and the needs are just too great.
EXTRA: If you could have a power breakfast with any three people (living, dead, or fictional) who would they be?
Golda Meir, John F. Kennedy, and Atticus Finch