Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Dementia Caregiving: Expanding the Family Caregiver Toolbox with Insight Memory Care Center
We all know that providing care for a family member with dementia can be challenging, and a caregiver’s needs often fall to the bottom of the priority list. Join us to learn resources and skills to reduce caregiver stress and promote well-being! Paul Raia, the keynote speaker, will present his Habilitation Therapy approach to help you focus on your loved ones’ remaining capacities rather than on what has been lost. Additional workshop sessions include the benefits of music and how it can be a key tool for coping for both the family caregiver and the care recipient. The workshop is free and open to the public; registration is required. Due to limited space, please let us know if you have RSVPed, but are no longer able to attend. Lunch will be provided! This workshop is presented by George Mason University, Virginia Center on Aging, Insight Memory Care Center, AARP Virginia, Fairfax County Area Agency on Aging, and the Alzheimer’s Association National Capital Area Chapter.
When: Wed Mar 30 2016 (09:00 AM – 1:00 PM)
Where: Insight Memory Care Center, Mazawey Education and Support Center, 3955 Pender Drive, Suite 100, Fairfax, VA 22030
Fee? no
Contact: Christi Clark, (703) 204-4664
For more information: click here
Thursday, March 31, 2016
LUNAFEST Fairfax 2016 with Girls on the Run of Northern Virginia
Join Girls on the Run of NOVA for LUNAFEST – a traveling collection of award-winning short films by, for, and about women. Come enjoy an evening of reflection, hope, and humor, and help raise funds to support Girls on the Run of NOVA as well as the Breast Cancer Fund. This season’s program of six selected films will compel discussion, make you laugh, tug at your heartstrings and motivate you to make a difference in your community. Incredibly diverse in style and content, LUNAFEST is united by a common thread of exceptional storytelling – by, for and about women. Purchase a VIP ticket and join us before the screening. You’ll meet Board members and other supporters while enjoying heavy hors d’oeuvres in the elegantly appointed private lounge overlooking Angelika’s stunning chandelier.
When: Thu Mar 31 2016 (5:30 PM – 9:30 PM)
Where: Anglika Film Center, 2911 District Avenue Fairfax, VA 22031, Fairfax, VA 22301
Fee? yes $25 General Admission, $55 VIP
Volunteer Info: Volunteers are needed to support set up, registration, check-in, silent auction monitoring, and clean up. Volunteers are needed in shifts, starting as early and 5pm and running until 10pm.
Contact: Emily Davis, (703) 273-3153
For more information: click here