Law Change Intended To Spur School System Food Donations (Leesburg Today): “Some altered language in the annual spending bill that funds the US Department of Agriculture will most likely translate into more donated food for local food banks and pantries [...] The change clarifies the law to make it clear that public school districts can donate excess food without any concern that they are not covered under the Good Samaritan Act, which protects donors who give to food banks in good faith from all liability.” To find a list of Catalogue nonprofits focused on hunger and housing, head this way.
New college-prep IB program could be offered to technical students (Washington Post): “America?s high schools have historically separated students who learn technical skills from those studying the liberal arts, preparing them for distinct futures. Education reform over the past three decades has centered on undoing such tracking and strengthening the academic foundation for everyone [...] Still, experts say there remains too wide a gulf between many career-oriented programs and a broader degree. A new college-preparatory International Baccalaureate curriculum designed for students pursuing career or technical education aims to bridge the gap.” How, do you think, schools could best fuse technical and liberal arts curricula?
Charting a Decade of Online Donations (Chronicle of Philanthropy: Social Philanthropy): “Only 4 percent of donors had given online in 2001. This year, about 65 percent have given to charity through the Internet [...] In 2001, the average donation through the [Network for Good] site was $226. But this year the average gift is $73, a change that NFG interprets as a sign that online giving has ‘gone mainstream.’” And according to NFG’s Ten Years of Doing Good Online graphic, 1 in 10 gifts to September 11th relief efforts were given online, whereas 1 in 3 to the earthquake relief in Japan were made that way.