DC hasn’t reached universal pre-K (Greater Greater Washington): “Just a few years after setting a goal of “universal” pre-kindergarten, DC education officials claim they reached it. But many parents are still getting turned away at their local schools. Do we really have universal pre-K? Local auditors and independent reports conclude that the answer is no. The problem is worst east of the Anacostia, but reaches all wards,” write Celine Tobal and Ken Archer. The audit finds that at least 50% of Pre-K programs in all Wards have waiting lists; Ward 5 is the lowest with 52%, while Wards 1 and 3 are around 88%. Wards 2 and 7′s current programs are both well over 100% capacity too.
75% of Young Adults Gave to Charity Last Year, Study Finds (Chronicle of Philanthropy): “… a new survey of more than 6,500 people ages 20 to 35 shows they are inclined to give and are more than willing to ask their friends and relatives to do the same when they feel passionately about a cause.” About 75% of those surveyed gave to a charity last year and 63% volunteered with a nonprofit in that time; the vast majority of those did their giving online. “What we found is that there is a continuum of involvement that starts with communicating, then moves on to volunteering and leadership roles,” says Angela White, chief executive of Johnson, Grossnickle and Associates. [...] “They want real responsibilities and an opportunity to put their skills and expertise to work.”