DCPS needs more than money to attract top teachers (Greater Greater Washington): “DC Council Chairman Kwame Brown plans to draft a bill that focuses on recruiting teachers to teach in high-poverty, low-performing schools. However, the incentives he proposes may not be enough to recruit highly effective teachers to work in these schools [...] In addition to monetary incentives to recruit teachers to low performing schools, districts must also motivate effective teachers to stay in these schools through other factors like strong school leadership, access to high-quality professional development, career mobility, and comprehensive induction for new teachers.” Do you agree? Are these intangible benefits in fact more effective in the long-term?
Safety nets for mentally ill children are full of holes (Washington Post): “An abandoned child is a sign of utter desperation and, often, systemic dysfunction. It’s not just about one broken family or a single, troubled child; it’s about crippling bureaucracy, impotent policy, lack of education and money, money, money [...] ‘DC does not have a functioning children’s mental health system,’ said Judith Sandalow, executive director of the DC Children’s Law Center [...] ‘There is a dearth of children’s mental health services in the District. And this situation is not unusual, sadly.’” Moreover, according to the article, one in 5 children has “a diagnosable mental disorder” and one in ten has mental health problems that impair daily functions. Looking to help out? Learn about the Catalogue nonprofits focused on children and health.
More than 12 Million Americans, Ages 44-70, Want to Start Small Businesses or Nonprofits (Market Watch/Business Wire): “New research released by Civic Ventures, a think tank on boomers, work and social purpose, shows that in a tough employment market, millions of Americans in their 40s, 50s and 60s are interested in creating jobs for themselves and others [...] Approximately 25 million people — one in four Americans ages 44-70 — are interested in starting businesses or nonprofit ventures in the next five to 10 years. More than 12 million of these aspiring entrepreneurs (48 percent) want to be encore entrepreneurs, making a positive social impact as well as a living.” Are you one of them? Or do you have any advice for new nonprofit leaders?