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Make a Local Difference on World Cancer Day


February 4th marks World Cancer Day, a day that unites the world’s population in the fight against cancer. This day aims to save millions of preventable deaths each year by raising awareness and education about the disease, pressing governments and individuals across the world to take action.

While there are many global and national organizations dedicated to fighting cancer, and offering hope and support to those who are diagnosed, the Catalogue for Philanthropy is proud to highlight five local organizations that are making a difference in cancer prevention, treatment, and patient well-being:

Want to know how your dollars can make a difference in the fight against cancer? A $100 donation can:

And of course, when using the Catalogue for Philanthropy to?#givelikealocal, you can give with confidence knowing at each of our charities has been rigorously vetted for excellence!

April: Sexual Abuse Awareness Month

April marks the beginning of Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM). It seems as though the news has been rife with stories about high profile rape and sexual assault cases in the recently, both at home and abroad (India, Brazil, Steubenville, US military) and with the HRC report in January shining a light on DC’s own mishandling of sexual assault cases, awareness about this cause could not come at a better time. Several Catalogue nonprofits are working actively to promote awareness of sexual assault and abuse this month, through workshops, events, advocacy and awareness campaigns.

DASH will celebrate its 2013 Allies in Change Luncheon at the end of April, recognizing community partners who have made a difference in the lives of women and children facing homelessness due to domestic violence.

Men Can Stop Rape works to mobilize men to use their strength for creating cultures free from violence, especially men’s violence against women. , they are offering discounts on trainings and materials to promote knowledge about men’s role in stopping rape and sexual assault.

DC Coalition Against Domestic Violence (DCCADV) celebrated a SAAM Day of Action on Tuesday, April 2nd, mobilizing on social media and reaching out to the Justice Department and DC Mayor Vincent Gray to advocate for freedom from sexual violence.

Break the Cycle provides comprehensive dating abuse prevention programs exclusively to young people. Before SAAM started, Break the Cycle was part of the movement to pass the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), which was signed into law by President Obama on March 7th.

Safe Shores will also celebrate National Child Abuse Prevention Month this month, and welcomes community members to several special events that teach about the complexities of child abuse (sexual, emotional/mental, and physical).

Check out the Catalogue website for more information on small, local nonprofits working to protect women and girls, and follow the latest trends and events on SAAM on social media here.

Picture for the Day

Courtesy of DCist:

As much as we like to maintain an exclusive focus on the business of Washington, DC, there’s no denying that our city is inexorably intertwined in international affairs. So when unthinkable bloodshed breaks out across the world, our purview often widens … Take, for example, the current state of affairs in Libya, which drew a group of protesters to the White House on Saturday. Just one example of the local response to events currently transpiring in Tripoli, DCist contributor Kevin Carroll was able to capture some powerful images during Saturday’s gathering.

While we are most aware of happenings on our street and around our homes, those of us in Greater Washington are often profoundly conscience of and connected to the broader world by virtue of where we live.

Similarly, our focus here at Catalogue is certainly local — yet we also are committed to non-profits who are enacting specific and localized change around the world, in the communities that are most in need. Do check them out. No matter how far away we are, we definitely can still reach out.